I had meant to translate these commentaries into German. I've failed and just couldn't keep up. So instead of withholding them altogether I'll now post the English originals.
Ich wollte alle diese Kommentare ins Deutsche übertragen bevor ich sie hier hochlade. Ich habe versagt und konnte einfach nicht mithalten. Anstelle sie ganz zurückzuhalten, bringe ich jetzt als Notlösung hier die englischen Originale.
Ich hoffe, einen Teil der fehlenden Übersetzungen allmählich nachtragen zu können. Für Wünsche und Prioritäten bin ich dabei offen.
Zum Seitenende Übersicht Israel Home & Impressum
Zum Anfang Übersicht Israel Home & Impressum
----> Erzählungen und Minhagim
The essence of humility
What is the point of leaving the Jewish people all alone?
What are we, as a people chosen for?
What is the maning of ‘free will’?
How do we decide when to compromise, and when to hold the line?
Mache dich nicht zum Anwalt
Sukkot: Judaism without joy and meaning will not last
How to be a judge
The hidden message of the first Commandment
Shavuot lacks nothing and is actually the perfect holiday!
What happens, when a blessing is not used?
Abschalten vom ständigen Urteilen
On the role of faith
The Borrower’s Liabilities
If you pray in order to change G"d's mind, then, please for G"d's sake, don't pray.
The public should not be warned against dangers that supersede logic, unless they have moral reasons.
There is no object in this world that is inherently holy.
What shall the third Temple be like?
A Jew may not eat food cooked or handled by a gentile.
One light in the darkness can lead the way.
Disunity and causeless hatred hinder the end of exile.
Every tradition has important values without which all of Israel would be lacking.
Try it out – it's far easier than you feared.
The seven Noahide laws are for everyone.
If you want to rely on your own opinion, don't ask about Halachah.
You can't be a light unto the nations while hating gentiles.