Both UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) and the UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) are mandated by the UN to aid refugees, but there are some significant differences between how these two organizations spend their money, and thus, how successful and efficient they are at using that money to end the refugee crisis…
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If one defines success as resolving the refugee’s problems, then UNRWA can only be defined as a complete failure.
UNRWA does not try or want to try to resettle the refugees, nor help the refugees move forward with their lives in a new host country, where some are already 3rd and 4th generation UN welfare recipients.
UNRWA maintains the refugee definition, even for those living in refugee camps within the Palestinian Authority.
UNRWA has 4x more staff members than UNHCR, while UNRWA deals with 6x fewer refugees.
UNRWA spends twice as much per refugee each year than UNHCR does – and has never resettled a single refugee…
UNHCR: Refugees can be resettled in any third country, with the goal to help them get on with their lives. Children of refugees are not considered refugees
UNRWA: 4.681 Million refugees or 20,000 according to a classified US State Department report.
UNHCR: 15.4 million refugees. Plus 800,000 awaiting refugee status and 12 million stateless people w/o refugee status for a total of 28.2 million refugees…
UNRWA: $1 Billion USD; Number of Countries: 5; Staff: 29,000
UNHCR: $3.32 Billion USD; Number of Countries: 123; Staff: 7,200
Conclusion: Shut down UNRWA and transfer responsibility for resettling UNRWA’s refugees to the UNHCR.
It is not enough to rebuke enemies – Israel must have a clear plan of action in order to reunite all Jewish land and stop anti-Jewish international hypocrisy!
Only 120 years ago, most parts of the Middle East, including Palestine and the entire Sinai Peninsula, were a desolate, arid, land mass which did not belong to any country. It was a no man’s land with which for 2000 years Jews had an unbroken spiritual and historical bond!
The creation of a Mandate system after the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War 1 and the grip of the new masters, Britain and France, laid the foundations of the current Arab-Israel conflict:
Trans-Jordan was part of the Palestinian mandate, which was allocated for the creation of a Jewish state by the League of Nations in 1922, in accordance with the Balfour Declaration. Therefore, its separation from Palestinian mandated land was an illegal act. Unfortunately, the dominant imperial powers, Britain and France, controlled the League of Nations which they used to rubber stamp their shady deals at the time.
As a result of the deal, in 1922, in order to secure Britain’s financial interests in the Suez Canal, Sinai was illegally given to Egypt by the British with the permission of King Hussein of Hejaz and Nejd, now Saudi Arabia. In return, Britain transferred control of the land east of the river Jordan to Hussein’s son, Abdullah. Control of the Golan Heights was transferred to the French-run Syrian Mandate and in exchange the United Kingdom got control of the newly discovered oil fields in Kirkuk.
Since its independence, Israel has fought many wars with its implacable Arab neighbours, signed numerous cease-fires, so-called Hudnas and even peace agreements. But all those efforts have not brought about any permanent solution to the endless terror Israeli society has been enduring daily.
It has been deliberately ignored and disallowed by the United Nations.
It is the Sinai option – the transfer of all of the Arab population from the land that used to be called the “Palestinian mandate” to the Sinai Peninsula, an area of contiguous land which is comparable in size with the entire Palestinian mandate: Israel, Gaza, Judea, Samaria, the Golan Heights and Jordan! This plan presents a real opportunity for a permanent peace:
And, this plan is relatively easy to implement because:
This is the only way toward permanent peace in the region and the fulfilment of the 2000 year old commandment and inspiration of the Jewish people – the return to the G"d given land of our ancestors!
The International community, Arab and Muslim countries insist that they want peace in the Middle East! Therefore, why don’t they even want to hear about this alternative plan? And the fact that during the breakout through the Sinai border with Egypt, instigated and planned in advance by Hamas, half of Gaza’s population were able to cross the border during the first two days is a proof that the Sinai Option easy to implement and a practical way to start the process of ending Arab occupation of Jewish land and establishing true and permanent peace in Israel, free of Arab terror.
Copyright Steven Shamrak
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Posted on Wednesday, February 07, 2018 on The Shamrak Report
and The Jewish Leadership Blog