Die Angst vor dem zionistischen Mob


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Wann hat sich das letzte Mal jemand getraut, öffentlich zuzugeben, er sage gewisse Dinge nicht, weil er den organisierten Mob des BDS fürchte? Eine solche öffentliche Aussage mag eben dieser Mob nämlich nicht. Wann aber hat man das letzte Mal von eingeschlagenen Scheiben, beschmierten Fassaden, abgebrannten Autos und ähnlichem von Zionistenhorden gehört? Ganz offenbar scheint es genau das aber zu geben, denn diese Gefahr wird für real gehalten. Das folgende steht im redaktionellen Teil der Science vom 2021-06-11, Vol. 372, Issue 6547, pp. 1132-1134, DOI:10.1126/science.372.6547.1132:

Lancet faulted over Israel letter

Days after publishing a letter alleging Israel’s actions had threatened the health of Palestinians, The Lancet removed it from its website, fearing that supporters of Israel would boycott the journal, three of the letter’s co-authors asserted last week. The letter, published in March 2020, is still accessible in the ScienceDirect database operated by The Lancet’s owner, publishing giant Elsevier. It argued that Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were ill prepared to confront the COVID-19 pandemic because Israel’s security operations had damaged Gaza’s public health system. In a commentary last week in The BMJ, three authors—all of whom have worked with Palestinian aid organizations, and two of whom are physicians—said The Lancet’s editor-in-chief, Richard Horton, told them last year that a similar letter it published in 2014 had drawn boycott threats and taken a “traumatic” personal toll on its employees. The prestigious medical journal also published a letter in September 2020 that criticizes the removed letter; it remains on The Lancet’s website. The authors of the March 2020 letter praised other Lancet articles that focused on poor health conditions in Gaza. But they also complained of a double standard and called the letter’s removal censorship and “a dangerous new precedent.” The Lancet did not respond before Science’s deadline to a request for comment.

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