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At first sight there is little to remark about this film sequence, except for its lack of taste. Obviously some group of dyed-in-the-wool, right-wing Climate Deniers have used their well filled coffers with industry donations to engage an expensive script writer for a short film, coarsely denouncing concerned climate activists as fascist hooligans. It's hard to get more primitive, but then that's just like our well informed press has made us expect the Right to be.[1]
At second glance things become more complicted. The group 10:10 really exists, has numerous well known and prominent backers from industry and elsewhere, and seems to really mean what they say. A not too small part of climate activists genuinely seems to believe this to be “humorous through exaggeration” and a good way to advertise themselves. Their first reaction to criticism was this:
“to those who really deserve this, but who are clueless enough to have admitted their guilt by being offended, we are sorry you're stupid”
That, and trying to remove the film from publicity, turned out not to be quite enough to stem the indignation after all. The following Statement from 10:10 UK director still conveys their total incomprehension of the reaction by unreasonable and humourless philistines. By the way, please try to find that statement anywhere on their website
without a direct link. I failed. It is really becoming high time for our federal government to get those internet access restrictions up and running – how else is WinstonSmith
supposed to do his important job in this time of net anarchy?
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